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Distance Education course: Managing Moving Image and Sound Records

  • May 05, 2025
  • July 14, 2025
  • Distance Education



Managing Moving Image and Sound Records

Course duration: May 5 - July 14, 2025

Revised! Registration deadline: April 15, 2025

Audio visual records are a dynamic part of all archival collections. But their management, preservation, and use can feel like an overwhelming task due to the growing range of obsolete media formats. In this course students will learn how to identify different audio, video and film formats and their related long-term preservation needs. Readings and practical projects will allow students to assess their organizational holdings and develop strategies on how to effectively manage their donation, use and care. 

Using the publication "Moving image and sound collections for archivists" by Anthony Cocciolo, students will be introduced to the management of moving images and sound records in seven modules.

Topics for the modules include:

Module 1: Donors and Appraisal 

Module 2: Processing Records and Copyright 

Module 3: Managing Audio Collections 

Module 4: Managing Film Collections 

Module 5: Managing Video Collections and Complex Media 

Module 6: Digital Preservation 

Module 7: Access and Outreach 

Students will receive, by electronic mail, a self-study guide which includes instructions, supplementary reading (where applicable), self-study questions, and a practical project for each module. The self-study questions and projects will be submitted to the Instructor for evaluation. Upon completing all the assignments within the allotted time, students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

Students can expect to work about 10-12 hours per week on readings and assignments for the duration of the course.

Instructor: Lisa Glandt, AABC Education and Advisory Services Coordinator

Cost: AABC members $350.00 (CAD) / Non-member $500.00 (CAD); plus the cost of the course textbook


Cocciolo, Anthony. 2017. Moving image and sound collections for archivists. Chicago. The Society of American Archivists.

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