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Managing Plans & Drawings

Course Timetable:

Registration: closes January 5, 2025 

Course duration: January 6 - March 17, 2025

AABC Anti-Racism Bursary

This course is eligible for the AABC Anti-Racism Bursary which covers the course registration cost and required textbook(s). More information about the bursary, eligibility, and a link to apply can be found HERE.

Bursary application deadline: application intake is now closed for this course.

Course Description:

Architectural records are perhaps the least understood medium in the archival world. There are many different types of drawings, from blueprints to renderings, sketches to CADs. What should you accept? What is valuable? How are they best preserved? Using the publication Architectural Records: Managing Design and Construction Records, students will learn about the management of plans and drawings so that they can provide sound appraisal and processing strategies that will allow for their long-term preservation and use.

Topics for the course modules include:

Module 1.    History of architecture

Module 2.    Understanding the creation process

Module 3.    Appraisal

Module 4.    Arrangement and Description

Module 5.    Preservation

Module 6.    Providing Access

Module 7.    Digitization

Students will receive, by electronic mail, a Self-study Guide which includes instructions, supplementary readings (where applicable), self-study questions, and in most modules, a practical project. The self-study questions and projects will be submitted to the Instructor for evaluation. Upon successfully completing all the course assignments, students will receive a certificate of completion for the course.

Students can expect to work about 10-12 hours per week on readings and assignments for the duration of the course.

Instructor: Lisa Glandt, AABC Education and Advisory Services Coordinator

Cost: AABC members $350.00 (CAD) / Non-member $500.00 (CAD); plus the cost of the course textbook

Textbook: Waverly B. Lowell and Tawny Ryan Nelb. Architectural Records: Managing Design and Construction Records (SAA, 2006) *This is now available from the SAA as an epub or PDF download. Hardcopy versions are no longer in print.

Student Comments on the Course:

"Thanks this was a great course, and I learned a lot and it was good to brush up on my archival knowledge."

"Thanks a lot for leading the course. I feel more confident now with the architectural archival material in our collection!"

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The Archives Association of British Columbia acknowledges that it carries out its work on the land of Indigenous nations throughout British Columbia. We are grateful for the continuing relationships with Indigenous people in B.C. that develop through our work together.  

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